God’s Word

I worship and praise and adore,
And glorify Thee, blessed Lord;
Tho’ the foe may his uttermost do,
He never can alter Thy Word.
It stands! though the heavens may fall,
It stands! though the earth pass away,
And on it, I’m standing, O Lord,
And standing in triumph today.

I'm trusting in what Thou hast said,
As my barque ploughs her way thro the sea;
Her chart and her compass Thy Word,
All glory, Lord Jesus, to Thee!
I rest on Thy promise divine,
And smile at the gathering storm;
My barque cannot sink, for I know,
Thou wilt hasten Thy Word to perform.

I worship and praise and adore,
For ever Thy Name I will bless;
Thy Word is sufficient for me,
However prolonged life’s distress,
I triumph in all Thou hast said,
It stands, whatsoever betide;
I glorify Thee, blessed Lord,
For this, my infallible Guide.

(Matthew 4:4)
